Specification of the Web Services Atomic Transaction Protocol

Leslie Lamport

Last modified on 30 December 2018

Web Services Atomic Transaction is a web protocol.  This page contains links to a formal TLA+ specification of the protocol written in 2003 and to a paper describing that specification.  The TLA+ specificaton was based on an informal specification written by F. Cabrera et al. in 2002 that is apparently no longer available on the Web.
Formal Specification of a Web Services Protocol
This is a paper that was presented at the First International Workshop on Web Services and Formal Methods (WS-FM 2004), held February 23-24, 2004 in Pisa, Italy.
PDF version (166 KB)

MODULE WSAtomicTransaction
This is the formal TLA+ specification.
ASCII specification (58 KB)
"Pretty-printed" PDF version (130 KB)