- Several short specializations in the area of eLearning in France (ENIC (opens in new tab), ENSEA (opens in new tab)) and Italy (Bologna University (opens in new tab)) (1995-1996).
- PhD in Computer Science, 1990, Technical University of Sofia (opens in new tab), Bulgaria.
- Diploma Engineer (master’s degree equivalent) in Electronics, 1984, Technical University of Sofia (opens in new tab), Bulgaria.
- Microsoft Corporation (opens in new tab), Redmond, USA: various positions in COM+ and Application Center teams, 1998-2001. Joined Microsoft Research in 2001.
- Technical University of Sofia (opens in new tab), Bulgaria: Assistant Professor, 1989-1998, Faculty of Electronic Engineering and Technology (lectures and labs for “Data and Signal Processing” and “Real time systems programming”)
- Technical University of Sofia, Bulgaria: Researcher, 1986-1989, Research and Development Department (opens in new tab)
- Technical University of Sofia, Bulgaria: R&D engineer, 1984-1986, Research and Development Department (opens in new tab)
Research interests
- Multichannel audio signals processing
- Algorithms for arrays of transducers (microphones, speakers, antennas)
- Processing of signals for enhancement, de-noising, de-reverberation, etc.
- Statistical processing of audio, biological, radio signals
Professional Activities
- Recipient of the IEEE Signal Processing society “Industry Innovation Award” in 2023 with citation “for outstanding contributions to microphone array and speech enhancement systems.”
- IEEE SPS Distinguished Industry Speaker for 2023.
- IEEE Fellow, since 2021.
- Chair of IEEE Signal Processing Society Industry Technical Working Group (opens in new tab) (2020-2022).
- Member of IEEE Signal Processing Society Technical Committee on Applied Signal Processing Systems (ASPS) (opens in new tab) (2020-2022).
- Honorary Professor of the Technical University of Sofia, Bulgaria, since 2019.
- Affiliated Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering in University of Washington, Seattle, since 2012.
- Member and vice chair of IEEE Signal Processing Society Standing Committee on Industrial Digital Signal Processing (IDSP), 2012-2019.
- Member and affiliated member of IEEE Signal Processing Society Technical Committee on Audio and Acoustic Signal Processing (AASP) 2009-2016.
- Reviewer for most of the signal and audio processing journals.
- Member of the TC of International Workshop on Acoustics, Echo and Noise Control (IWAENC) since 2006. One of the organizers of IWAENC 2008 in Seattle.
- Member of the TC of Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics (WASPAA) since 2006.
- Member of AES, served as member of the AES Pacific Northwest Committee 2006-2016.
- Co-founder in 1986 and organizational secretary for 12 years of the International Conference on Systems for Automation of Engineering and Research (SAER (opens in new tab)), now serving as member of the International Organizing Committee. The conference name has recently been updated to International Conference on Information Technologies INFOTECH.
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