Learning Discriminative Projections for Text Similarity Measures

  • Scott Wen-tau Yih ,
  • Kristina Toutanova ,
  • John Platt ,
  • Chris Meek

Fifteenth Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning (CoNLL-2011) |

Published by Association for Computational Linguistics

Presentation (ppt)

Traditional text similarity measures consider each term similar only to itself and do not model semantic relatedness of terms. We propose a novel discriminative training method that projects the raw term vectors into a common, low-dimensional vector space. Our approach operates by finding the optimal matrix to minimize the loss of the pre-selected similarity function (e.g., cosine) of the projected vectors, and is able to efficiently handle a large number of training examples in the high-dimensional space. Evaluated on two very different tasks, cross-lingual document retrieval and ad relevance measure, our method not only outperforms existing state-of-the-art approaches, but also achieves high accuracy at low dimensions and is thus more efficient.