642 Bibliography
CasaC62 Casale, Charles T.: Planning the CDC 3600, AFIPS Proc. FJCC, vol. 22, pp. 73-85. 1962.
ChasG52 Chase, George C.: History of Mechanical Computing Machinery, Proc. ACM, Pittsburgh, Conf., pp. 1-28, May, 1952.
ChenT64 Chen, T. C.: The Overlap of the IBM System/360 Model 92 Central Processing Unit, AFIPS Proc. FJCC, Pt. II, vol. 26, pp. 73-80, 1964. Review GrimR65c
ChuC52 Chu, J. C.: The Oak Ridge Automatic Computer, Proc. ACM, Toronto Conf.. pp.142-148, September, 1952.
ClarW57 Clark, Wesley A.: The Lincoln TX.2 Computer Development, Proc. WJCC, pp. 143-145, 1957.
ClayB64 Clayton, B. B., E. K. Dorff, and R. E. Fagen: An Operating System and Programming Systems for the 6600, AFIPS Proc. FJCC, Pt. II, vol. 26, pp. 41-57, 1964.
CochD68 Cochran, David S.: Internal Programming of the 9100A Calculator, Hewlett-Packard J., vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 14-16, September, 1968.
CoddE59 Codd, E. F., E. S. Lowry, E. McDonough, and C. A. Scalzi: Multiprogramming STRETCH Feasibility Considerations, Comm. ACM, vol. 2, no. 11, pp. 13-17, November, 1959.
CoddE62 Codd, E. F.: Multiprogramming, "Advances in Computers,' vol. 3, pp. 78-153, Academic Press, Inc., New York, 1962.
ComfW65 Comfort, W. T.: A Computing System Design for User Service, AFIPS Proc. FJCC, Pt. I, vol. 27, pp. 619-626, 1965.
ContC64 Conti, Carl: System Aspect: System/360 Model 92, AFIPS Proc. FJCC, Pt. II, vol. 26, pp. 81-95, 1964. Review GrimR65a.
ContC68 Conti, C. J., D. H. Gibson, and S. H. Pitkowsky: Structural Aspects of the System /360 Model 85, I. General Organization, IBM Sys. J., vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 2-14, 1968.
ConwM58 Conway, Melvin E.: Proposal for an UNCOL, Comm. ACM, vol. 1, no. 10, pp. 5-8, October, 1958.
ConwM63 Conway, M. E.: A Multiprocessor System Design, AFIPS Proc. FJCC, vol. 24, pp. 139-146, 1963.
CorbF62 Corbato, Fernando J., Marjorie Merwin-Daggett, and Robert C. Daley: An Experimental Time-sharing System, AFIPS Proc. SJCC, vol. 21, pp. 335-344, 1962.
CorbF6S Corbato, F. J., and V. A. Vyssotsky: Introduction and Overview of the MULTICS System, AFIPS Proc. FJCC, Pt. I, vol. 27, pp. 185-196, 1965.
CoxJ68 Cox, Jerome R., Jr.: Economy of Scale and Specialization in Large Computing Systems, Computer Design, vol. 7, no. 11, pp. 77-80, November, 1968.
CrawP?? Crawford, P.: Thesis for Master's Degree, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Mass.
CritA63 Critchlow, A. J.: Generalized Multiprocessing and Multiprogramming Systems, AFIPS Proc. FJCC, vol. 24, pp. 107-126, 1963.
DaleR65 Daley, R. C., and P. G. Neumann: A General-purpose File System for Secondary Storage, AFIPS Proc. FJCC, Pt. I, vol. 27, pp. 213-229, 1965.
DaleR68 Daley, Robert C., and Jack B. Dennis: Virtual Memory, Processes, and Sharing in MULTICS, Comm. ACM, vol. 11, no. 5, pp. 306-312, May, 1968.
DarrJ69 Darringer, John A.: The Description, Simulation, and Automatic Implementation of Digital Computer Processors, Thesis for Ph.D. degree, Carnegie-Mellon University, College of Engineering and Science, Department of Electrical Engineering, Pittsburgh, Pa., May, 1969.
DaviD67 Davies, D. W., K. A. Bartlett, R. A. Scantlebury, and P. T. Wilkinson: A Digital Communication Network for Computers Giving Rapid Response at Remote Terminals, ACM Symp. on Operating System Principles, Gatlinburg, Tenm, Oct. 1-4, 1967.
DaviG60 Davis, G. M.: The English Electric KDF9 Computer System, Computer Bull., pp. 119-120, December, 1960.
DennJ65 Dennis, J. B.: Segmentation and the Design of Multiprogrammed Computer Systems, J. ACM, vol. 12, no. 4, pp. 589-602, October, 1965.
DennJ66 Dennis, J., and E. C. Van Horn: Programming Semantics for Multiprogrammed Computations, Comm. ACM, vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 143-155, March, 1966.