FORMULA – Modeling Foundations

Established: December 10, 2008

FORMULA 2.0: Formal Specifications for Verification and Synthesis
Formula specifications are highly declarative logic programs that can express rich synthesis and verification problems.

FORMULA 2.0 is framework for formally specifying domain-specific languages (DSLs) and model transformations. FORMULA specifications are succinct descriptions of DSLs, and specifications can be immediately connected to state-of-the-art analysis engines without additional expertise. FORMULA provides: (1) succinct specifications of DSLs and compilers, (2) efficient compilation and execution of input programs, (3) program synthesis and compiler verification.

FORMULA 2.0 provides these features in a unique way: Specifications are written as strongly-typed open-world logic programs. These specifications are highly declarative and easily express rich synthesis / verification problems. Automated reasoning is enabled by efficient symbolic execution of logic programs into quantifier-free constraints, which are dispatched to the state-of-the-art SMT solver Z3. FORMULA has been applied within Microsoft to develop DSLs for verifiable device drivers and protocols. It has been used by the automotive / embedded systems industries for software / hardware co-design under hard resource allocation constraints.


Portrait of Ethan Jackson

Ethan Jackson

Senior Director

Portrait of Nikolaj Bjørner

Nikolaj Bjørner

Partner Researcher

Portrait of Laurent Bussard

Laurent Bussard

Senior Software Engineer