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The TLA+ Hyperbook

Leslie Lamport

Last modified on 18 March 2022

The Current State of the Hyperbook       [hide]

The hyperbook is an unfinished hypertext document that was meant to be what one would read to learn TLA+ and PlusCal.  The TLA+ Video Course now serves as an introduction to TLA+, and The PlusCal Tutorial is an introduction to PlusCal.  I have stopped working on the hyperbook and don't know what to do with it.  (I would welcome suggestions.)

The first 6 chapters of the hyperbook cover approximately the same material as the Video Course, but in greater depth and with different examples.  It also teaches the use of PlusCal.  Chapters 7 through 9 provide more realistic examples.  The hyperbook's TLA+ Proof Track is probably the best introduction to writing TLA+ proofs and checking them with the TLAPS prover.

The rest of this web page describes the state of the hyperbook at the time of the last release, in 2015.

The Hyperbook       [show]

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