The Current State of the Hyperbook
The hyperbook is an unfinished hypertext document that
was meant to be what one would read to learn TLA+ and
PlusCal. The
TLA+ Video Course
now serves as an introduction to TLA+, and
The PlusCal Tutorial
is an introduction to PlusCal.
I have stopped working on the hyperbook and don't know what to
do with it. (I would welcome suggestions.)
The first 6 chapters of the hyperbook cover approximately the same
material as the Video Course, but in greater depth and with
different examples. It also teaches the use of PlusCal.
Chapters 7 through 9 provide more realistic examples.
The hyperbook's TLA+ Proof Track is probably the best
introduction to writing TLA+ proofs and checking them with the TLAPS
The rest of this web page describes the state of the hyperbook at
the time of the last release, in 2015.
The Hyperbook
This is the start of a hypertext "book" containing two tutorials:
Principles of Concurrent Computing and
Specification of
Concurrent Systems.
The tutorials are two tracks that share much text--especially at the
Both tutorials are based
Principles track, which I hope will eventually be suitable
for an undergraduate course on concurrent computing, will mainly use
PlusCal algorithm language
rather than
TLA+ for describing algorithms. There is also a
Proof track that explains how to use
proof system.
You will probably read the hyperbook with Adobe Reader,
Foxit Reader
also works.
Other readers should also work, but it seems that Preview, the default
pdf reader on the Mac, does not.
The Hyperbook uses many popups. To make them appear as popops,
the pdf reader must be set to open new files in a new window, rather
in a new tab in the same window. Here's how to get Adobe Reader
to do this: Click on Edit, choose Preferences and
then General. Then uncheck the box labeled Open
documents as new tabs in the same window (requires
relaunch). You must then close and reopen
the reader.
Also, the Hyperbook consists of many separate pdf files. If you
don't like the way your reader displays a file, you can change things
like the sizes of the text and the window. Here is how to get
Adobe Reader to remember those changes the next time you view the
file: Click on Edit, choose Preferences and then
Documents. Then check the box labeled
Restore last view settings when reopening documents.
I welcome comments and suggestions on the form, style, and
Also, please tell me if anything doesn't work as you think it should.
My email address is on my home page.
The hyperbook consists of a collection of pdf files; the root file is
and the remaining files are in the folder
(directory) hyper-tla
They are distributed as a zip file that you can download (save, do not open) by
Extract (unzip) the contents into a convenient folder and open (probably by
double-clicking on) the file start.pdf
Be sure to follow the directions, which means clicking where it says
If you are just starting to read
this hyperbook, click here.
This leads you to the introduction
About This Hyperbook.
Read it.
You will then know what to do next.
I am still rewriting some parts of the hyperbook, so some material may
be in an inconsistent state. Read the
About This Hyperbook
page for more information. (Click on "If you are just starting..."
from the start page or on the "?" in the left margin from most other
The LaTeX sources for the hyperbook have been released.
See below.
The Source Files
The LaTeX source files for the hyperbook are now available for
One reason for this is to encourage you to contribute your own
material to the hyperbook.
(Contact me before starting if you want that material to appear
in the official release of the hyperbook.)
You could also write your own hypertext documents using the
commands that I created for the purpose.
Reading the source files will allow you to figure out how to do
it. The file hypertlabook.sty and the packages it imports
define the relevant commands.
The source files can be downloaded
Extracting the files from thie zip file creates a folder (directory)
To create the pdf files that constitute the hyperbook, open a Unix
shell window from which you can run
and connect to the hyper-tla
(To do this in Windows, you can install
In that shell, run the command
I hope to post new versions of the hyperbook continually.
So, far I haven't been very good at doing that, but I hope to do
better. Major changes will be announced on
TLA+ Google Group.
However, I may post a new version and change the
last modified
date of this page whenever something you should read has changed--even
if it's just the correction of a minor typo.
Downloading and unzipping a file is easy, so check this page
- Version of 20 August 2015
Rewrote Section 8 (Bounded Channel and Bounded Buffer)
Revised Section 7.9 (Mutual Exclusion in Modern Programs).
Revised Section 18 (Now titled
Variable Hiding and Auxiliary Variables)
- Version of 28 February 2015
Revised Section 7 (Mutual Exclusion)
Revised Sections 10-12 of
The TLA+ Proof Track.
Rewrote Section 17 (Temporal Logic).
- Version of 24 March 2014
Revised the first two sections of
The TLA+ Proof Track
to conform to the current version
and added a section explaining the proof language.
- Version of 28 November 2013
Finished Section 7.8 on the bakery algorithm.
- Version of 19 November 2013
- Rewrote material explaining temporal logic and moved
it to Section 17 of the Math track.
- Rewrote the first six sections of the Mutual Exclusion
section of the Principles track.
- Version of 24 May 2013
- Moved the old section 4 (The Bounded Channel and Bounded Buffer)
to section 8
of the Principles track.
- Added sections 3 and 5 on the Die Hard problem
and section 6 on Alternation.
- Rewrote much of the rest of sections 1, 2, and 4.
- Continued writing section 7 (Mutual Exclusion)
- Version of 14 July 2012
- Finished description of the One-Bit Protocol
in Section 5 of the Principles track.
- Modified the Proof track to describe the SMT backend prover.
- Corrected an error in the Simple PlusCal Reduction Theorem
in Section 4.8.
- Version of 12 April 2012
- Added Section 8, An Input/Output Specification on
the Specification track.
- Began a new Section 19, Debugging with TLC.
- Began the Principles track.
- Added descriptions of
- Version of 30 January 2012
- Added a summary of TLA+, reachable from the S
button on each page.
- Finished the Miscellaneous Constructs section
of the Math section.
- Added a tiny start of the Specification track.
- Gave up trying to indicate recent modifications
in the document.
- Version of 10 October 2011
- Expanded Section 3.7 and added Section 3.8 in the
section on Euclid's Algorithm.
- Added The Bounded Channel and Bounded Buffer,
the final section on both tracks.
- Began The Bounded Buffer section of the
Proof track.
- Made some further progress on the Math section.