A Fast Mutual Exclusion Algorithm

  • Leslie Lamport

ACM Transactions on Computer Systems 5, 1 (February 1987), 1-11. Also appeared as SRC Research Report 7. |

Soon after I arrived at SRC, I was approached by some people at WRL (Digital’s Western Research Laboratory) who were building a multiprocessor computer. They wanted to avoid having to add synchronization instructions, so they wanted to know how efficiently mutual exclusion could be implemented with just read and write instructions. They figured that, with properly designed programs, contention for a critical section should be rare, so they were interested in efficiency in the absence of contention. I deduced the lower bound on the number of operations required and the optimal algorithm described in this paper. They decided that it was too slow, so they implemented a test-and-set instruction.

I find it remarkable that, 20 years after Dijkstra first posed the mutual exclusion problem, no one had thought of trying to find solutions that were fast in the absence of contention. This illustrates why I like working in industry: the most interesting theoretical problems come from implementing real systems.