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598 Part 6 Computer families Section 3 The IBM System/360-a series of planned machines which span a wide performance range

comparand. The keys are said to match if equal or if either is zero. A storage key is not part of addressable storage, and can be changed only by privileged instructions. The protection key of the CPU program is held in the current PSW. The protection key of a channel is recorded in a status word that is associated with the channel operation.

When a CPU operation causes a protection mismatch, its execution is suppressed or terminated, and the program execution is altered by an interruption. The protected storage location always remains unchanged. Similarly, protection mismatch due to an I/O operation terminates data transmission in such a way that the protected storage location remains unchanged.

Multisystem operation

Communication between CPU's is made possible by shared control units, interconnected channels, or shared storage. Multisystem operation is supported by provisions for automatic relocation, indication of malfunctions, and CPU initialization.

Automatic relocation applies to the first 4,096 bytes of storage, an area that contains all permanent storage assignments and usually has special significance for supervisory programs. The relocation is accomplished by inserting a 12-bit prefix in each address whose high-order 12 bits are zero. Two manually set prefixes permit the use of an alternate area when storage malfunction occurs; the choice between prefixes is preserved in a trigger that is set during initial program loading.

To alert one CPU to the possible malfunction of another, a machine-check signal from a given CPU can serve as an external interruption to another CPU. By another special provision, initial program loading of a given CPU can be initiated by a signal from another CPU.


Devices and control units

Input/output devices include card equipment, magnetic tape units, disk storage, drum storage, typewriter-keyboard devices, printers, teleprocessing devices, and process control equipment. The I/O devices are regulated by control units, which provide the electrical, logical, and buffering capabilities necessary for I/O device operation. From the programming point of view, most control-unit and I/O device functions are indistinguishable. Sometimes the control unit is housed with an I/O device, as in the case of the printer.

A control unit functions only with those I/O devices for which it is designed, but all control units respond to a standard set of signals from the channel. This control-unit-to-channel connection, called the I/O interface, enables the CPU to handle all I/O operations with only four instructions.

I/O instructions

Input/output instructions can be executed only while the CPU is in the supervisor state. The four I/O instructions are START I/O, HALT I/O, TEST CHANNEL, and TEST I/O.

START I/O initiates an I/O operation; its address field specifies a channel and an I/O device. If the channel facilities are free, the instruction is accepted and the CPU continues its program. The channel independently selects the specified I/O device. HALT I/O terminates a channel operation. TEST CHANNEL sets the condition code in the PSW to indicate the state of the channel addressed by the instruction. The code then indicates one of the following conditions: channel available, interruption condition in channel, channel working, or channel not operational. TEST I/O sets the PSW condition code to indicate the state of the addressed channel, subchannel, and I/O device.


Channels provide the data path and control for I/O devices as they communicate with main storage. In the multiplexor channel, the single data path can be time-shared by several low-speed devices (card readers, punches, printers, terminals, etc.) and the channel has the functional character of many subchannels, each of which services one I/O device at a time. On the other hand, the selector channel, which is designed for high-speed devices, has the functional character of a single subchannel. All subchannels respond to the same I/O instructions. Each can fetch its own control word sequence, govern the transfer of data and control signals, count record lengths, and interrupt the CPU on exceptions.

Two modes of operation, burst and multiplex, are provided for multiplexor channels. In burst mode, the channel facilities are monopolized for the duration of data transfer to or from a particular I/O device. The selector channel functions only in the burst mode. In multiplex mode, the multiplexor channel sustains several simultaneous I/O operations: bytes of data are interleaved and then routed between selected I/O devices and desired locations in main storage.

At the conclusion of an operation launched by START I/O or TEST I/O, an I/O interruption occurs. At this time a channel status word (CSW) is stored in location 64. Figure 8 shows the CSW format. The CSW provides information about the termination of the I/O operation.

Successful execution of START I/O causes the channel to

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