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Chapter 51

Architecture of the IBM System/3701

Richard P. Case / Andris Padegs

Summary This paper discusses the design considerations for the architectural extensions that distinguish System/370 from System/360. It comments on experiences with the original objectives for System/360 and on the efforts to achieve them, and it describes the reasons and objectives for extending the architecture. It covers virtual storage, program control, data-manipulation instructions, timing facilities, multiprocessing, debugging and monitoring, error handling, and input/output operations. A final section tabulates some of the important parameters of the various IBM machines which implement the architecture.


The years since the introduction of System/360 in 1964 have produced very substantial changes in most aspects of the design, manufacture, and use of information-processing systems. The hardware technology for realizing logic functions has evolved from semi-integrated circuit modules with single devices per chip to hundreds or thousands of circuits on a single silicon chip. The technology for high-speed storage has changed from magnetic cores to dense arrays of transistors on silicon chips. The growth in size and function of systems software has surprised even the practitioners. It is not surprising, therefore, to discover that extensions and refinements to the architecture2 of System/360 were found to be necessary.

This paper reviews the motivation for extending the System/360 architecture and describes the design considerations associated with the extensions adopted for System/3703. It comments on some experiences with the original objectives and concepts of System/360. Finally, it summarizes the characteristics of IBM machines implementing the System/360 and the System/370 architectures [Amdahl, Blaauw, and Brooks, 1964; Amdahl, 1964; Blaauw and Brooks, 1964; Blaauw, 1964; Padegs, 1964; and Stevens, 1964].

Experience with System/360

At the time the major decisions were made on the System/370 architecture, a significant amount of experience was available with the initial implementations of System/360. The major conclusions from this experience were:


Compatibility really worked. It was in fact possible to transfer programs routinely from one model to another and expect them to produce the same results. Operational evidence was available that architecture and implementation could be separated; one need not imply the other.

Compatibility also helped reduce development expense. The original plan called for verifying each element of software on each model. Because of the growing confidence that programs which ran on one model would also run on other models, it was possible to significantly reduce the amount of cross-verification to be performed.

Implementation of a whole line of computers according to a common architecture did not take an undue amount of effort. It did, however, require unusual attention to detail and some new procedures, which are described in the Architecture Control Procedure section.

Performance Range

A greater performance range must be planned for. The original System/360 announcement included processors with a performance range of about 25 to 1. Six years later this had increased to about 200 to 1, and plans were being made for even further extensions.

Main Storage

It was obviously necessary to plan for main-storage sizes of more than 224 bytes. The technological improvements in main storage which reduced the relative cost had happened at a rate greater than was expected. The result was that serious thought had to be given to the planned replacement of 24-bit addressing.

The extension of the address size proved to be more difficult than first thought. Our experience in this respect agrees with that of Bell and Strecker [1976], who say: "There is only one mistake . . . that is difficult to recover from¾ not providing enough address bits . . . "

The basic addressing mechanism of System/360 had anticipated


1Comm. ACM, vol. 21, no. 1, January 1978, pp. 73-96.

2The term architecture is used here to describe the attributes of a system as seen by the programmer, i.e., the conceptual structure and functional behavior, as distinct from the organization of the date flow and controls, the logical design, and the physical implementation.

3This chapter is not the definitive reference work for the specification of the features and functions discussed. For the official, and maintained, description, refer to the IBM System/370 Principles of Operations, form GA22-7000, which is available through local IBM branch offices.



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