Item Start End end
1.1 Sticks and Stones: Early aids to calculation (300 - 1910) 300 1910
1.2 Ornate Curiosities (1623 - 1790) 1623 1790
1.3 Mechanical Calculators: the Business of Calculation: (1820s-1970s)
1.4 False Dawn: Automatic Computation  ('All one has to do is to turn a handle' - J. H. Muller) (1784 - 1935) 1784 1935
1.5 Cards and Holes: Data Processing & the Early Office Machine Industry (1880s - 1940s) 1880 1940
1.6 Mirroring the World: Analog Computing (80BC - 1950s)
2. PIONEERING BEHEMOTHS (1945 - 1970s) 1945 1975
2.1  One-of-a-kind: The First Electrical Computing Machines (1935-1945) 1935 1945
2.2  New Horizons: The Electronically Stored Program (1940-50s) 1940 1955
2.3  Solving the Main Storage Problem (1920-60s) 1920 1955
2.4  Doing it for Real: Real Time Computing(1940-60s) 1940 1965
3.   COMPUTERS BECOME A BUSINESS (1949 - 1960) 1949 1960
3.1 From the Lab to the Workplace: Inventing the User - Science and Business (1949 - 1960s) 1949 1960
3.2 Artificial Intelligence (AI) : 'Thinking Machines 1949 1960
3.3 Secondary Storage Problem (1950s) 1950 1959 1957
3.4 Software and the Programming Problem: Early High Level Languages (50s -60s)
4.1 Transistors - the Start of the Semiconductor Age (1947 - 1960s) 1947 1965
4.2 On-Line Transaction Processing (OLTP) (1950-1970) 1950 1970
4.3 One Computer for All Customers: Scientific and Business Computing (1960s) 1960 1965 1964
4.4 Supercomputers: Speed at any cost (1960s - 1970s) 1960 1970
4.5 The Space Race, Scientific and Technical Computers (late 1950s) 1955 1960
4.6 Early Minicomputers: Empowering the User (1960-1970s) 1963 1966
4.7 Timesharing (1960s)
5 COMPUTERS FOR EVERYONE (1970s - 1990s) 1970 1990
 5.1 Small is Beautiful: Semiconductors and 'The Chip' (1950-1980s)
5.2 Personal Computers - 'Triumph of the Nerds': 'Homebrew' and the Hobbyists (Early 1970s/80s) 1975 1985 1977
5.3 The Personal Computer and Business: The IBM PC - 'Send in the Clones' (1980s-90s) 1982 1990 1982
5.4  'Talk to Me': Interfacing with the Machine - it all goes Goooey (1980s, 90s) 1981 1995 1983
5.5 Workstations: 'The Sun also Rises' 1978 1980 1983
5.6 On the Move: Portables ('Oh my golly gosh, I've forgotten my diary!') (1970s-)
6.  DIGITAL WORLD (1995 - 2005) 1995 2005
6.1  Communications and Networking: 'The World is Flat' (1950s - 19XX) 1955 2000
6.2  Digital Media (1970s - 2000) 1975 2000
6.3 Games, Imaginary Worlds, and Educational Toys (1950s - 2005) 1960 2005
6.4  World Wide Web (1980s - 2005) 1985 2005
6.5 The Upper Limits: Simulation and High-end Computing (1980s -) 1985 2010
6.6 Computer in Your Pocket 2000 2010
Item Start End end
It's all about record keeping and commerce 1951 2010 1951
Industy starts: Leo, Univac, … 1975
General Ledger … aiding the  bookkeeper
Reservation systems…  1965 2010
Going to the bank… that's where the money is MICR, TP benchmarks 1975 2010
Capturing and search the web 1995 2010
It's about numbers, simulation,  science & insight 1940 2010
The beginning: ERA, 701 1940 1970
The Cray era and the big FORTRAN machine 1966 1995
Scalables: How many slices?  How many $$$s? 1987 2010
Laboratory instrumentation is here or is a Mini?
It's only about Me 1950 2010
Working & workstations before the PC took all 1958 1990
Finally Personal: The day I bought my own computer 1977 2010
Playing, learning, entertaining
Put it your pocket, and make phone calls too 1995 2010
Pay no attention to the computer behind the x
The mini as a controller that grew to interact 1965 1995
The micro (microP, microC, multi-core, etc) 1972 2010
It's about communication and convergence 1970 2010
Telephony goes digital e.g. No. 5 ESS
ARPA net, Internet, and WWW 1970 2010