Colloquial to Arabic Converter

Established: April 22, 2014


The colloquial converter provides translation of Egyptian colloquial text into modern standard Arabic along with rich mapping information.


Translation of colloquial and mixed text

The colloquial converter translates Egyptian colloquial text into standard Arabic text. Moreover, it handles mixed text that combines modern standard Arabic and colloquial text by translating only the colloquial words and selecting the best translation based on the context.

Colloquial morphological analysis

The colloquial converter provides rich morphological information about each colloquial word. Each word can have multiple colloquial analyses, and each analysis has detailed information such as stem, part of speech, prefixes, and suffixes.

Detailed colloquial-standard Arabic mapping information

Detailed mapping information is available for each possible translation that shows the morphological analysis of each colloquial word and the corresponding standard Arabic analysis after translation.


  • Convert Text translates Egyptian colloquial text into a standard Arabic text.
  • Generate Candidates generates a list of standard Arabic translation candidates for a single colloquial word.



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