April 26, 2016

NAE 2016 Regional Meeting and Symposium

1:00pm - 5:00pm

Location: Redmond, WA

Registration: Registration is now closed.


Autonomous Intelligent Agents: Technology and Policy

Recent progress in the control of autonomous agents coupled with advances in artificial intelligence put us on the verge of profound changes in the ways in which we live, work and play; they will also push the boundaries in how cities are managed, how society polices itself and they will change how governments behave and are perceived. Our speakers and panel members will explore the technical opportunities and policy challenges in these areas considering, for example, how our attitudes and decision making may change as we both commission and interact with intelligent agents that are acting on our behalf and/or on the behalf of others.

These agents may be designing an individual’s wellness program and diet for the week. They may be driving children to school or delivering packages by air—all with a level of autonomy, decision making and, in many cases, an assumed ability to mitigate risk and/or appropriately improvise when encountering unique scenarios. The symposium is free and open to the public.