Machine Learning Day 2013 – Afternoon Sessions

2:30 Ben Taskar (UW CSE), “Probabilistic Models of Diversity: Determinantal Point Processes” 3:00 Scott Yih (MSR), “Multi-Relational Latent Semantic Analysis” 3:30 Raj Rao (UW CSE), “Opportunities and Challenges for Machine Learning in Brain-Computer Interfacing”

Probabilistic Models of Diversity: Determinantal Point Processes in Machine Learning, Ben Taskar (UW CSE)

Many real-world problems involve negative interactions; we might want search results to be diverse, sentences in a summary to cover distinct aspects of the subject, or objects in an image to occupy different regions of space. However, traditional structured probabilistic models tend deal poorly with these kinds of situations; Markov random fields, for example, become intractable even to approximate. Determinantal point processes (DPPs), which arise in random matrix theory and quantum physics, behave in a complementary fashion: while they cannot encode positive interactions, they define expressive models of negative correlations that come with surprising and exact algorithms for many types of inference, including conditioning, marginalization, and sampling. I’ll present our recent work on a novel factorization and dual representation of DPPs that enables efficient and exact inference for exponentially-sized structured sets. We develop an exact inference algorithm for DPPs conditioned on subset size and derive efficient parameter estimation for DPPs from several types of observations, as well as approximation algorithms for large-scale non-linear DPPs. I’ll illustrate the advantages of DPPs on several natural language and computer vision tasks: document summarization, image search and multi-person pose estimation problems in images. Joint work with Alex Kulesza, Jennifer Gillenwater, Raja Affandi and Emily Fox.

Multi-Relational Latent Semantic Analysis, Scott Yih (MSR)

We present Multi-Relational Latent Semantic Analysis (MRLSA) which generalizes Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA). MRLSA provides an elegant approach to combining multiple relations between words by constructing a 3-way tensor. Similar to LSA, a low-rank approximation of the tensor is derived using a tensor decomposition. Each word in the vocabulary is thus represented by a vector in the latent semantic space and each relation is captured by a latent square matrix. The degree of two words having a specific relation can then be measured through simple linear algebraic operations. We demonstrate that by integrating multiple relations from both homogeneous and heterogeneous information sources, MRLSA achieves state-of-the-art performance on existing benchmark datasets for two relations, antonymy and is-a.

Opportunities and Challenges for Machine Learning in Brain-Computer Interfacing, Raj Rao (UW CSE)

The field of brain-computer interfacing has seen rapid advances in recent years, with applications ranging from cochlear implants for the deaf to brain-controlled prosthetic arms for the paralyzed. This talk will provide a brief overview of the various types of brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) and the techniques they use for mapping brain signals to control outputs. I will then highlight some opportunities as well as challenges for machine learning in helping facilitate the transition of BCIs from the laboratory to the real world.

Speaker Details

Ben Taskar received his bachelor’s and doctoral degree in Computer Science from Stanford University. After a postdoc at the University of California at Berkeley, he joined the faculty at the University of Pennsylvania. In the spring of 2013, he joined the University of Washington Computer Science & Engineering Department. His research interests include machine learning, natural language processing and computer vision. He has been awarded the Sloan Research Fellowship, the NSF CAREER Award, and selected for the Young Investigator Program by the Office of Naval Research and the DARPA Computer Science Study Group. His work on structured prediction has received best paper awards at several conferences.

Scott Wen-tau Yih is a post-doc researcher in the Learning for Messaging and Adversarial Problems team (part of the Machine Learning and Applied Statistics group) at Microsoft Research. His research focuses on using machine learning to solve a broad range of natural language and text processing problems. Scott has recently worked on multi-document summarization, bilingual word alignment, spam filtering and keyword extraction, achieving state-of-the-art results with simple, principled methods in each area. Scott received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, where he developed novel learning and inference techniques for different complex information extraction problems, such as entity/relation recognition and semantic parsing. His semantic role labeling system was the best system in the CoNLL-05 shared task competition.

Rajesh Rao is an Associate Professor in the Computer Science & Engineering department at the University of Washington. He is the recipient of an NSF CAREER award, an ONR Young Investigator Award, a Sloan Faculty Fellowship, and a Packard Fellowship for Science and Engineering. He is the author of the new textbook Brain-Computer Interfacing: An Introduction (Cambridge University Press, 2013) and the co-editor of two volumes, Probabilistic Models of the Brain (MIT Press, 2002) and Bayesian Brain (MIT Press, 2007). With Adrienne Fairhall, he offered the first MOOC on computational neuroscience (about 50K registered students). His research spans the areas of computational neuroscience, AI, and brain-computer interfacing. His other interests include the 4000-year-old undeciphered Indus script (a topic on which he has given a TED talk) and Indian miniature painting.

Ben Taskar, Scott Yih, and Raj Rao
UW CSE, Microsoft Corporation
    • Portrait of Jeff Running

      Jeff Running

    • Portrait of Scott Wen-tau Yih

      Scott Wen-tau Yih

      Senior Researcher