Creative Intelligence: Harnessing the Power to Create, Connect, and Inspire

The world is quickly changing in ways we find hard to comprehend. Successful methods of dealing with problems have become outmoded. To be successful, you can’t just be good; you also need to be creative. In Creative Intelligence, innovation expert Bruce Nussbaum charts the making of a new literacy, “Creative Intelligence”, or CQ. From corporate CEOs trying to parse the confusing matrix of global business to K-12 teachers attempting to reach bored kids in increasingly wired classrooms, creativity is viewed as the antidote to uncertainty and complexity. Nussbaum shows readers how to frame problems in new ways and devise solutions that are original by drawing insight from anthropology and culture rather than psychology and the brain. He illustrates how to connect our creative output with a new type of economic system, Indie Capitalism, where creativity is the source of value, where entrepreneurs drive growth, and where social networks are the building blocks of the economy.

Speaker Details

Bruce Nussbaum, former Assistant Managing Editor for BusinessWeek, is Professor of Innovation and Design at Parsons School of Design and an award-winning writer. He is founder of the Innovation and Design online channel, and IN: Inside Innovation, a quarterly innovation magazine, and blogs at Fast Company and Harvard Business Review.

Bruce Nussbaum
    • Portrait of Jeff Running

      Jeff Running