Hands-on tutorial on RNNLM toolkit

This tutorial is an extension of Tomas’s last presentation on “Language modeling with neural networks”. Tomas will walk through the toolkit with real examples and scripts, so people will have chance to test the toolkit on-site if bring a laptop. In his last presentation, Tomas discussed the state of the art techniques for statistical language modeling. This includes recurrent neural network based language model and extensions that allow efficient training on large corpora: class-based neural net language model and joint training with a maximum entropy model. Results will be presented on standard data sets for language modeling and speech recognition: the Penn Treebank corpus, Wall Street Journal ASR, and NIST RT04 broadcast news speech recognition.

Speaker Details

Tomas Mikolov is a PhD student at the Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic. He joined the Speech@FIT group at 2006 and since then he works mainly on statistical language modeling for automatic speech recognition. He visited Johns Hopkins University in 2010 for 6 months, and University of Montreal in 2011 for 5 months.

Tomas Mikolov
Brno University of Technology