Knowledge Ecosystems: Data-Intensive Science is More Than Speeds and Feeds

This session at eScience Workshop 2011 discusses rapid developments in computation, storage, and networking that have enabled an array of new services and systems, ranging from improvements in high-performance computing to the proliferation of smart sensors. In both science and information systems, old architectures and institutions are struggling with data-intensive science—a new knowledge ecosystem, characterized by radical personalization, rapidly assembling (and disassembling) collaborative networks, and intense real-time communications. An ecosystem concept that is characterized more by resilience and flexibility than by robustness and predictability may be a better model for both science and information technology. Jim Gray’s “laws” of data-intensive science can help guide us through this new conceptualization.

Speaker Details

Mark R. Abbott is dean and professor in the College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences at Oregon State University. He received his B.S. in conservation of natural resources from the University of California, Berkeley, in 1974 and his Ph.D. in ecology from the University of California, Davis, in 1978. He has been at OSU since 1988 and has been dean of the college since 2001.
Dr. Abbott’s research focuses on the interaction of biological and physical processes in the upper ocean and relies on both remote sensing and field observations. Dr. Abbott is a pioneer in the use of satellite ocean color data to study coupled physical/biological processes. He has also advised the Office of Naval Research and the National Science Foundation on ocean information infrastructure.

Mark Abbott
Oregon State University
    • Portrait of Jeff Running

      Jeff Running