The Quest: Energy, Security, and the Remaking of the Modern World

The world’s appetite for energy is growing. Today, oil use in the developed world averages 14 barrels per person per year. In the developing world, it is only 3 barrels per person. How will the world cope when billions of people go from 3 barrels to 6 barrels? Energy and its challenges—where it comes from, who controls it, how it affects the planet—will be a defining issue for our future. Yergin presents the compelling story of modern energy—how it came to be the way it is, how it works, the risks and challenges it portends, and how different it might be in the future.

Speaker Details

Daniel Yergin is one of the most influential voices on energy in the world. A Pulitzer Prize winning author, Dr. Yergin is a recipient of the United States Energy Award for “lifelong achievements in energy and the promotion of international understanding.” He is chairman of IHS Cambridge Energy Research Associates and serves as CNBC’s Global Energy Expert.

Daniel Yergin
    • Portrait of Jeff Running

      Jeff Running