Coding4Fun XAPfest!

Want to learn about how to make a Tower Defense engine or a toolkit filled with controls to make your applications user friendly? Check out the Coding4Fun ( talk on July 27th. Clint Rutkas and Larry Larsen from Channel 9 will be talking about the Coding4Fun Windows Phone Toolkit and our newly released Tower Defense engine, ScriptTD. With ScriptTD, you can create a full new game in minutes by altering a few small XML files and swapping out some graphic assets!

Speaker Details

Clint Rutkas is a Technical Evangelist on Channel 9 and runs Coding4Fun. In the past he has built a Kinect drivable lounge chair, a windows phone powered t-shirt cannon and even a disco dance floor all powered by .NET.

Larry Larsen is a Senior Technical Evangelist on Channel 9.

Clint Rutkas and Larry Larsen
Microsoft Corporation
    • Portrait of Jeff Running

      Jeff Running