Automatic program analysis for overlaid data structures

We call a data structure overlaid, if a node in the structure includes links for multiple data structures and these links are intended to be used at the same time. These overlaid data structures are frequently used in systems code, in order to impose multiple types of indexing structures over the same set of nodes. For instance, the deadline IO scheduler of Linux has a queue whose node has links for a doubly-linked list as well as those for a red-black tree. The doubly-linked list here is used to record the order that nodes are inserted in the queue, and the red-black tree provides an efficient indexing structure on the sector fields of the nodes.

In this talk, I will describe an automatic program analysis for these overlaid data structures. I will focus on two main issues in designing such an analysis: how to represent overlaid data structures effectively and how to build an efficient program analyser, which is precise enough to prove the memory safety of realistic examples, such as the Linux deadline IO scheduler. During the talk, I will explain how we addressed the first issue by the combination of standard classical conjunction and separating conjunction from separation logic. Also, I will describe how we used a meta-analysis and the dynamic insertion of ghost instructions for solving the second issue.

This is a joint work with Oukseh Lee and Rasmus Petersen.

Speaker Details

Dr. Hongseok Yang is an EPSRC advanced research fellow and a lecturer (an assistant professor) in the school of electronic engineering and computer science, computer science, Queen Mary, University of London. His research interests include topics in automatic software verification, programming language theory and program logic.

Dr. Yang helped found separation logic, a program logic for reasoning about heap-manipulating programs, which has spurred a new line of research on formal program verification. His current research focuses on automating the key ideas of separation logic and developing a fully automatic, scalable tool for verifying the memory safety of real software.

Before joining Queen Mary, Dr. Yang has been a postdoc researcher in two Korean universities, KAIST (2001-2003) and Seoul National University (2003-2006). He received his Ph.D. (2001) in Computer Science from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Hongseok Yang
Queen Mary
    • Portrait of Jeff Running

      Jeff Running