Advances in Quantum Algorithms & Devices: Quantum versus classical annealing

I will discuss several recent findings about the computational power of quantum annealing, either on quantum hardware or as “simulated quantum annealing” by quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) simulations on a classical computer. The failure to so far observe quantum speedup on D-Wave Two is in contradiction to previous QMC results that indicated quantum speedup for spin glasses. This apparent contradiction can be resolved by taking the continuous time limit in the QMC simulations. We find that continuous time QMC simulations agree with the behavior of d-Wave and show no speedup for 2D spin glasses. However, QMC simulations with large time steps gain further advantage: they “cheat” by ignoring what happens during a (large) time step, and can thus outperform both simulated quantum annealers and classical annealers. While this is good news for the development of quantum inspired classical optimization algorithms, it further raises the bar for quantum annealers.

A second topic that I will discuss is how to optimally run a quantum annealer. Investigating the behavior of the tails of the distribution of runtimes for very hard instances we find that adiabatically slow annealing is far from optimal. On the contrary, many repeated relatively fast annealing runs can be orders of magnitude faster for hard problems. The intuitive explanation is that hard instances, which are stuck in the “wrong” minimum can be solved faster by perturbing them.

Finally, I will discuss the prospects of quantum annealing outperforming classical annealing on hard optimization problems.

Speaker Details

Matthias Troyer received his PhD in 1994 from ETH Zürich, working on numerical simulations of high temperature superconductors and related materials. After three years as postdoctoral fellow at the University of Tokyo he returned to ETH in 1998 as lecturer of computational physics. After receiving an assistant professorship grant from the Swiss National Science Foundation in 2000, he was quickly promoted to associate professor in 2002 and full professor in 2005.He is a recipient of an ERC Advanced Grant of the European Research Council, a Fellow of the American Physical Society, and a Member of the Aspen Center for Physics.

His research activities range from quantum simulations and topological quantum computing to novel simulation algorithms, high performance computing, and computational provenance. He has been a pioneer of cluster computing in Europe, having been responsible for the installation of the first Beowulf cluster in Europe with more than 500 CPUs in 1999, and the most energy efficient general purpose computer on the top-500 list in 2008. He is the leader of the ALPS project for the simulation of quantum many body systems. Through his former consulting work with BoostPro Computing he has, among others libraries, written the Boost MPI library, a modern C++ API for message passing on parallel computers.

Matthias Troyer
ETH Zurich
    • Portrait of Jeff Running

      Jeff Running