WIPTTE: Sponsor Talks – Sway: Modern Content for Modern Devices

2:30 pm – 3:00 pm Chris Pratley – Sway: Modern Content for Modern Devices

Speaker Details

Chris Pratley is the GM of Office Labs, a new group formed in MBD to increase the capacity for innovative risk-taking in the division and the company in the area of productivity. Office Labs plays a role as an enabler for product teams to explore new ideas, for people with ideas throughout the company to get traction with those ideas, and to make the innovation we all do more visible. Before Chris started Office Labs he worked in Office for 12 years, first in Excel then Word as an IC working on Asian language versions then a lead PM on Word for globalization of Office 2000 and Word basic use features. In 2001 after being GPM of Word for a year he co-founded the OneNote team and was GPM of both applications through the 2003 & 2007 releases – adding Publisher and Text Services to his responsibilities for 2007. Before he joined Microsoft in 1994 he lived in Japan for several years working for Seiko-Epson Corp on their first Stylus color inkjet printer and had a great time learning Japanese language and culture. He is originally from Montréal, Canada and has a Systems Design Engineering degree from the University of Waterloo.

Chris Pratley
    • Portrait of Jeff Running

      Jeff Running