Torch Future Plans

The goal of this workshop is to inform people about open source machine learning systems being developed, aid the coordination of such projects, and discuss future plans.

Speaker Details

Sumit Chopra is a doctoral student under the supervision of Prof. Yann LeCun, at Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University. His primary area of interest in Machine Learning and Pattern Recognition. His research involves developing efficient inference and learning algorithms for models that can handle the uncertainties and interdependencies among samples in large scale data sets, with application in computer vision, robotics, and economics. He has published a number of papers in peer-reviewed conferences and journals including NIPS, CVPR, KDD, AISTATS and JPDC. He has also contributed to a chapter in a book titled “Predicting Structured Outputs.” He has been a reviewer of the journals “Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence,” and “Signal Image and Video Processing.” Sumit was also the recipient of Henry MacCraken fellowship award from New York University.

I am a research scientist at Google DeepMind. Previously, I was a researcher at Deepmind Technologies and before that a research staff member at NEC Labs America in the machine learning department. During my PhD, I was in Yann LeCun’s group (Computational and Biological Learning Lab) at New York University and worked on unsupervised learning of feature extractors and multi-stage architectures for object recognition. Before starting computer science studies, I did my masters and undergraduate on aerospace engineering.

Koray Kavukcuoglu, Nicolas Vasilache, and Sumit Chopra
Google DeepMind
    • Portrait of Jeff Running

      Jeff Running