The 4% Universe: Dark Matter, Dark Energy and the Race to Discover the Rest of Reality

Did you know that everything you see, touch, hear, smell, and taste makes up only 4 percent of what is actually out there? The rest of the universe is completely unknown, or “dark,” and scientists have been working rigorously to determine what’s out there. It’s the stuff of Nobel Prizes, and mind-blowing to consider the ramifications and long-yearned-for answers this knowledge would bring. There is a cutthroat competition between astronomers and physicists, to measure how fast the universe is expanding and the roles dark matter and dark energy play. The 4% Universe traces the path of one of the most mysterious scientific concepts we know of today.

Speaker Details

Richard Panek is the recipient of a Guggenheim fellowship and the author of The Invisible Century and Seeing and Believing. He has frequently written for the New York Times—where THE 4 PERCENT UNIVERSE began as an article—as well as Discover, Smithsonian, Esquire, and Outside, among other publications. He has received a New York Foundation for the Arts fellowship in Nonfiction Literature and an Antarctic Artists and Writers Program grant from the National Science Foundation.

Richard Panek
    • Portrait of Jeff Running

      Jeff Running