Welcome and opening remarks; Point Obfuscation and Friends; Outsourcing Computation

Segment I 9:00 – 10:50 am
Welcome and remarks
Point Obfuscation and Friends
Ran Canetti, Tel Aviv University
A point program is a program that accepts a single input and rejects all other inputs. A point obfuscator takes a point program (in a certain format) and turns it into a program with the same functionality, but where the program itself does not provide any additional information on the special point that cannot be deduced from simply running the program as a black box.
We will review some of the recent research on point obfuscators (POs), including composable POs, non-malleable POs, multi-bit POs (aka Digital Lockers), set obfuscators, hyperplane obfuscators, and applications to strong variants of encryption and digital signatures.
Craig Gentry, IBM

John Manferdelli, Ran Canetti, and Craig Gentry
    • Portrait of Jeff Running

      Jeff Running

    • Portrait of John Manferdelli

      John Manferdelli