Anomalous Diffusion and Polya Recurrence

After a brief introduction a survey of some recent results will be given of ergodic and stochastic properties of Sinai billiards. In particular, Polya’s celebrated recurrence theorem, known to hold for planar random walks, is discussed for a deterministic model of Brownian motion which is defined via billiards.

Speaker Details

Having earned his PhD (1970) in Moscow University in probability, his interest later switched to statistical physics and dynamical systems. In particular, in the last 10-15 years his school has obtained the strongest results on the Boltzmann-Sinai ergodic hypothesis. He was a visiting professor at Dartmouth College, Frankfurt University and Princeton University. He is now the director of Mathematical Institute of the Budapest University of Technology.

Domokos Szász
Budapest University of Technology
    • Portrait of Jeff Running

      Jeff Running