An Online Multi-unit Auction with Improved Competitive Ratio

  • Sourav Chakraborty ,
  • Nikhil Devanur

In Proc. WINE 2009 |

We improve the best known competitive ratio (from 1/4 to 1/2), for the online multi-unit allocation problem, where the objective is to maximize the single-price revenue. Moreover, the competitive ratio of our algorithm tends to 1, as the bid-profile tends to “smoothen”. This algorithm is used as a subroutine in designing truthful auctions for the same setting: the allocation has to be done online, while the payments can be decided at the end of the day. Earlier, a reduction from the auction design problem to the allocation problem was known only for the unit-demand case. We give a reduction for the general case when the bidders have decreasing marginal utilities. The problem is inspired by sponsored search auctions.