A Complete, Efficient Sentence-Realization Algorithm for Unification Grammar

  • Bob Moore

Published by Association for Computational Linguistics


This paper describes an efficient sentence-realization algorithm that is complete for a very general class of unification grammars. Under fairly modest constraints on the grammar, the algorithm is shown to have polynomial time complexity for generation of sentences whose logical form exactly matches the goal logical form. The algorithm can be extended to handle what is arguably the most important subcase of the logical-form equivalence problem, permutation of logical conjunction. With this extension the algorithm is no longer polynomial, but it seems to be about as efficient as the nature of the problem permits.

Publication Downloads

Unification Grammar Sentence Realization Algorithms

May 6, 2003

Prolog implementations of two versions of the unfication grammar sentence realization aglorithm described in "A Complete, Efficient Sentence Realization Algorithm for Unification Grammar," appearing in the Proceedings of the International Natural Language Generation Conference, INLG'02, plus other associated code and data files. Last published: May 6, 2003.