Towards a Declarative Language and System for Secure Networking

  • Martin Abadi ,
  • Boon Thau Loo

International Workshop on Networking Meets Databases (NetDB '07) |

In this paper, we present a declarative language and
system for describing and implementing secure networks.
Our proposed language, SeNDlog, is an attempt
at unifying Binder, a logic-based language
for access control in distributed systems, and Network
Datalog (NDlog), a database query language
for declarative networks. The contributions of this
paper are as follows. First, we highlight the similarities
and differences between Binder and NDlog
with regards to their notion of location, trust model,
and evaluation strategies. Second, we motivate and
propose the SeNDlog language that combines features
from Binder and NDlog. Third, we demonstrate the
use of SeNDlog for specifying secure networks and
present directions for future work.