Predicting Method Crashes with Bytecode Operations

  • Sunghun Kim ,
  • ,
  • Rahul Premraj ,
  • Nicolas Bettenburg ,
  • Shivkumar Shivaji

MSR-TR-2012-94 |

Software monitoring systems have high performance overhead because they typically monitor all processes of the running program. For example, to capture and replay crashes, most current systems monitor all methods; thus yielding a significant performance overhead. Lowering the number of methods being monitored to a smaller subset can dramatically reduce this overhead. We present an approach that can help arrive at such a subset by reliably identifying methods that are the most likely candidates to crash in a future execution of the software. Our approach involves learning patterns from features of methods that previously crashed to classify new methods as crash-prone or non-crash-prone. An evaluation of our approach on two large open source projects, ASPECTJ and ECLIPSE, shows that we can correctly classify crash-prone methods with an accuracy of 80–86%. Notably, we found that the classification models can also be used for cross-project prediction with virtually no loss in classification accuracy. In a further experiment, we demonstrate how a monitoring tool, RECRASH could take advantage of only monitoring crash-prone methods and thereby, reduce its performance overhead and maintain its ability to perform its intended tasks.