Deuteronomy: Transaction Support for Cloud Data

  • Justin Levandoski ,
  • David Lomet ,
  • Kevin Keliang Zhao

Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research (CIDR) |

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The Deuteronomy system supports efficient and scalable ACID transactions in the cloud by decomposing functions of a database storage engine kernel into: (a) a transactional component (TC) that manages transactions and their “logical” concurrency control and undo/redo recovery, but knows nothing about physical data location and (b) a data component (DC) that maintains a data cache and uses access methods to support a record-oriented interface with atomic operations, but knows nothing about transactions. The Deuteronomy TC can be applied to data anywhere (in the cloud, local, etc.) with a variety of deployments for both the TC and DC. In this paper, we describe the architecture of our TC, and the considerations that led to it. Preliminary experiments using an adapted TPC-W workload show good performance supporting ACID transactions for a wide range of DC latencies.