LambdaMerge: Merging the Results of Query Reformulations

Conf. Web search and data mining (WSDM) |

Published by ACM


Search engines can automatically reformulate user queries in a variety of ways, often leading to multiple queries that are candidates to replace the original. However, selecting a replacement can be risky: a reformulation may be more effective than the original or signi ficantly worse, depending on the nature of the query, the source of reformulation candidates, and the corpus. In this paper, we explore methods to mitigate this risk by issuing several versions of the query (including the original) and merging their results. We focus on reformulations generated by random walks on the click graph, a method that can produce very good reformulations but is also variable and prone to topic drift. Our primary contribution is LambdaMerge (-Merge), a supervised merging method that is trained to directly optimize a retrieval metric (such as NDCG or MAP) using features that describe both the reformulations and the documents they return. In experiments on Bing data and GOV2, -Merge outperforms the original query and several unsupervised merging methods. -Merge also outperforms a supervised method to predict and select the best single formulation, and is competitive with an oracle that always selects the best formulation.