“For over two decades, Microsoft Research Asia has retained an open and growth mindset and has been committed to creating a free, inclusive, and sustainable environment for scientific research, where every person involved assumes a vital role on the road to new discoveries and contributions. Together, we will provide a catalyst for the various sparks of creative ideas to burgeon.
The growth of an innovative organization involves the process of continuously expanding its horizons and assuming greater social responsibilities. Since its inception, Microsoft Research Asia has continued to develop extensive cooperation with research institutions around the world to drive joint progress and improvement of computer science. Our global society in the current day and age is faced with a spate of issues, ranging from sustainability and carbon neutrality to healthcare. Under this context, Microsoft Research Asia shall adhere to principles that are conducive to innovation, boldly wield and improve new paradigms, and incessantly promote cross-disciplinary research progress together with our partners from all industries so as to effectively tackle each of the challenges experienced by our world today.”
Lidong Zhou, Managing Director, Microsoft Research Asia
Full-time Researcher & Research Engineer
Senior Researcher
Location: Shanghai, China
Location: Tokyo, Japan
Principal Researcher-Systems & Networking
Location: Vancouver, Canada
Principal Researcher-Cloud and AI Infrastructure
Location: Vancouver, Canada
Intelligent Interactions
Multi-modal Perception and Communication
AI for Industry and Science
Academic collaboration
StarTrack Scholars Program

StarBridge Program

Societal AI

Ada Workshop